Holiday in Tuscany - Corneto Palace 27 Lug 2024           IT | FR   
Holiday in Tuscany - Corneto Palace
The Palace The apartments Offers Rates Availability on line
Palazzo di Corneto
Loc. Palazzo di Corneto, 58
56045 Pomarance (PI)
Useful numbers
Telefono: +39.329.0276427
Fax: +39.0588.64247
How to reach us by car

From North: Autostrada (Motorway) A12 direction Livorno as far as Rosignano: then Superstrada SS1 direction Grosseto, as far as "Cecina", leaving it after Km. 4 on "Cecina Nord". So follow the road-sing in direction "Volterra" (SS 68). Go througth the town of "Saline di Volterra", here keep right for the SS 439, following the road-sign for "Pomarance". After Pomarance, you will see the sign for "Palazzo di Corneto" on your left.

From South: Take the Roma-Grosseto Superstrada SS1 (E-80). North as far as at "Cecina Nord". So follow the road-sing in direction "Volterra" (SS 68). Go througth the town of "Saline di Volterra", here keep right for the SS 439, following the road-sign for "Pomarance". After Pomarance, you will see the sign for "Palazzo di Corneto" on your left.
How to reach us by airplane
The nearest air-port:
International Air-port of Pisa "Galileo Galilei"
(Km 87)
Other air-ports: Internationa Air-port of Firenze (Km 98)
  International Air-port of Milano (Km 377)
  International Air-port of Roma (Km 245)
How to reach us by train (see the on-line timetable)
The train station: Cecina (Km 45)
Other nearest important train stations:
Livorno (Km 79), Pisa (Km 87)
How to reach us by boat or ferry
The nearest harbour: Port of Livorno (Km 79)
Other harbours: Port of Civitavecchia (Km 180)
  Port of Genova (Km 264)
  The surroundings How to reach us Contact Us
Palazzo di Corneto - Loc. Palazzo di Corneto, 58 - 56045 Pomarance - PISA - TUSCANY - ITALY | Tel: +39.329.0276427
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